Selasa, 26 Januari 2021

Current Situation of Transportation and Logistics in Sweden

 Public lectures are conducted virtually through the Zoom Meeting Room and Youtube BPSDMP151 on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 09.00 – 11.00 WIB. The ambassador's lecture was attended by all employees and cadets from official schools within the Ministry of Transportation. Before the public lecture began, a video clip from the Ministry of Transportation was played. The event was opened by singing the song Indonesia Raya followed by Ike as the host to start the event.


Ambassadorial Lecture “Current Situation of Transportation and Logistics in Sweden and its Challenges”


Bapak Dian Wahdiana

(Director of Surabaya Merchant Marine Polytechnic)

Opening Remarks

Bapak Sugihardjo

(Head of Human Recourses Development Agency on Transportation)


M.I. Derry Aman

(Head of Centre for Partnership Facilitation and International Organization)


H.E. Mrs. Marina Berg

(Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia)



       The Transportation Human Resources Development Agency with the Swedish embassy held an Ambassador Lecture "Current Situation of Transportation and Logistics in Sweden and Its Challenges" which was opened by Mr. Sugihardjo as Head of the Transportation Human Resources Development Agency.
    This Ambassadorial Lecture presents a resource person, H.E. Marina Berg as the Swedish Ambassador to Indonesia, the discussant was Mr. M.I. Derry Aman as Head of the Centre for Facilitation of Partnerships and International Organizations, and the moderator, namely Mr. Dian Wahdiana as Director of the Surabaya Traders Marine Polytechnic.
In this Ambassadorial lecture, we were given an insight into how transportation and logistics conditions in Sweden and the challenges that are connected. Sweden is very dependent on transportation. The solution for transportation to run well is moving goods or people that put too much burden on the environment. It takes new technology, methods and ways of doing business. Switching from owning a car to using transportation services. The Swedish approach is using Collaboration, Drive, Sweden, Closer, and Modernization.

Swedish Transportation
    Sweden is very dependent on transportation. Solutions for proper transportation and the movement of goods and places of people overload the environment: new technologies, methods and business practices are pushing the way from car ownership to purchasing transportation services and delivery automation.

Sweden's Close Collaboration
    Between business, academia and the state, this creates a competitive advantage, leading to a combination of the best in academic research, new business models from the private sector, and adaptation to state law and public affairs. Government incentives By identifying opportunities and accepting changes or transitions in transportation Sweden always responds to changes. As a result, the ambition to become one of the world's first fossil free countries by 2045 has been trivialized. Sustainable mobility can be achieved as long as technological advances, commercial expertise and politics are consistent. And if there's something the Swedes are good at, work together. Swedes are also open to change and want to try something new, from exotic foods to new means of transportation. There are 480 cars per 1,000 people in Sweden today, but looking at the future up close is very different. A continuous package for a subscription service that combines unlimited transportation with paid functionality, all tailored to suit your transportation needs.

This Country Approach
  • LINDHOLMEN SCIENCE PARK - a power of innovation for Sweden
Lindholmen Science Park seeks to realize Sweden's vision of empowering competitiveness, with a focus on the future transfer of people and goods through two parallel tasks: developing ecosystems within the park and Carrying out projects or activities that drive research innovation.
  • SWEDEN DRIVE - A new way of moving
To achieve long-term sustainable mobility solutions, the best skills in the field need to work closely with organizational boundaries. This is the goal of Drive Sweden: a strategic innovation program developed by the Swedish government.
  • CLOSING-Guidelines for transportation efficiency
CLOSER is a collaborative and innovative platform for optimizing logistics with a focus on long and short haul cargo. The result is a news solution for the logistics system.
The human factor is the number one cause of all accidents at sea. Sea Traffic Management (STM) is an initiative to make the maritime sector safer while reducing negative environmental impacts and increasing efficiency.

Aji Trio Pamungkas

Author & Editor

Policy Analyst at Transportation Policy Agency of Ministry of Transportation