Together We Could Dream

Let us thank ourselves for struggling to step by step and survive until the end of education. We achievements cannot be separated from the support of our lecturers, our parents, our siblings, and maybe from people who love us.

During the 3 or 4 years of education, many stories and experiences have been engraved (according to their respective versions). Whatever events/experiences that have occurred, best exeperience or bad experience, it's have indeed become part of the life scenario and as a process of self-maturation.

Thank you to my friends of PKTJ Batch XXX, my lectures, my coaches, my thesis advisor, senior and junior cadets, RSTJ B family, my friends of 1st Internship Group and 2nd Internship Group, Corps of Brebes, my roommates, and anyone else who has accompanied me in this story and journey. If one day you miss the moments during your education, you can come to this page again to see the memories captured in the following photos.

๐Ÿง… Korps Brebesan ๐Ÿง…

๐Ÿ’ก BB7 ๐Ÿ’ก

Tidak banyak ditemukan foto tentang kami pada zaman pra kemerdekaan, namun BB7 menjadi saksi atas kami, terutama di malam Januari 2020

๐Ÿฏ RSTJ B XXX ๐Ÿฏ

Keluarga 'Aing Macan' XXX. Tetap solid sampai akhir

๐Ÿšฅ Kelompok Magang 1 Kota Bekasi ๐Ÿšฅ

Terima kasih untuk rekan-rekan kelompok Magang 1 Kota Bekasi, Cello, Haekal, Nafil, Shabira, dan Shafira yang telah berjuang bersama menyelesaikan laporan magang setiap harinya yang rasanya tak kunjung usai. Terima kasih juga Nafil yang telah membantu pelaksanaan survei skripsi saya di Kota Bekasi

๐Ÿ›ฃ️ Kelompok Magang 2 PT PPTR ๐Ÿ›ฃ️

๐Ÿ‘ฎ Para Barisan Terdepan ๐Ÿ‘ฎ

Too much time spent with them

๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿผ‍๐Ÿซ Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi ๐Ÿ“š

Terima kasih kepada dosen pembimbing skripsi saya, Bapak Reza Yoga Anindita dan Bapak Riza Phahlevi Marwanto yang selalu bersedia meluangkan waktu kapan pun untuk membimbing saya

๐ŸŽญ Lain-lain ๐ŸŽญ

Hal-hal tak terduga seringkali terjadi, termasuk pertemuan kita

I will always be grateful for everything you do with me. My best wishes to you for your new chapter of lifebest of luck for your next adventurous endeavors. Wishing you a bright, happy, and healthy future! 

See you on top ๐Ÿ‘‹